How to Launch a New Product on Amazon: Things to Know

If you have ever wondered how to launch a new product on Amazon, you are in the right place. For years now, Amazon has become the zion city for most entrepreneurs. Why won’t it be? The eCommerce company offers sellers and buyers excellent services and ensures everyone has a smooth transaction experience.


In a pool of many marketers fighting for a space on Amazon, you want your first product launch to stand out and attract the right audience. Try not to rush this part because it demands careful planning and process.

Luckily for you, this article will reveal how you can launch a new product on Amazon with simple and proven strategies. Before we delve into that, let us check the meaning of a product launch.

how to launch a new product on amazon

What is a Product Launch?

A product launch is a strategy to introduce a new product to sell. It is a deliberate effort to improve your brand awareness and stand out among your competitors. When carried out well, a product launch can generate more leads, revenue, and sales for a company. Besides, it is a technique to remain relevant to your ideal customers.

Before you unveil your product, there are certain factors to keep in mind. These factors include:


  • Customers: Who are your ideal target audience? What are their interests and needs? What is their deepest desire? Do some research to know some information about your audience.
  • Product: What can your product do for your audience? Get to know your products’ features and benefits, and back it up with relevant data.
  • Create a Feasible Plan: This determines how you will reach your clients, which you can carry out through social media, advertising, content marketing. Ensure that your plan is specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic.
  • Consistency: Consistency is the key to keeping your customer base. Create a plan that allows you to stay constant with your advertisements and blog posts.
  • Management: Monitor your product campaign, advertisement, and result
  • Competitors: Who are your business rivals, and what are their strategies for ranking higher on Amazon?

how to launch a product on amazon

How to Launch a New Product on Amazon

1.   Learn how Amazon Algorithm Works

Many sellers do not make enough sales because they are yet to understand how Amazon ranking factors work. Amazon is a bit different from other search engines like Google because it focuses more on getting sales. While product listing and description can help you begin your launching process, knowing the right keywords to use, the target audience, and how to write quality copies will make you stand out.

2.   Boost Your Brand Awareness

With so many distractions online these days, it is expedient for sellers to be more aggressive with the visibility of their business. Check the simple measures below on how you can enhance your business profile:


  1. Write a targeted blog post about the product. The topics may vary from how to use the product to benefits. Regardless of what you choose, ensure it aligns with the customers’ needs.
  2. Create social media accounts to reach more audiences, and be consistent with your postings. That will make your customers engage with your brand and trust you better.
  3. Think about how you can give your customers a unique and excellent experience. How do you want them to feel when they hear your business’s name? Your competitive edge can be packaging, fast delivery, good customer service, and design.


3. Create a Detailed and Comprehensive Product Listing

A crucial part of the process on how to launch a new product on Amazon is to create an excellent product listing. Here is how:


  • Take a clear picture of the product in a high resolution and natural lighting setting. Ensure you feature all the parts of the products, as well as how users can use them.
  • Write an explanatory product description: Many eCommerce do not know that customers take their time to check a product’s details before purchasing.

Look at it this way; everyone wants to know what they are buying and its benefits. In some instances, the buyers may not even know why they need a particular product; Your job is to make customers see the need. You can only do that through your product description, which should combine benefits and features.

If you are still confused about where to start, check your competitor’s page to see how they write their product description, and try not to plagiarise their work.

  • Concisely write your bullet points, showing between 3 – 5 lists.
  • Use the right keyword: Using the right keywords does not mean stuffing your product page with keywords. Instead, take your time and research the terms and phrases customers use when searching for a product like yours. Then use them to launch your product.
  • Optimize Your Keywords: This method involves placing your keywords strategically in your product title, bullet point, and product description. Try not to force your keywords to appear naturally within your listing and overall product page.


4. Know the Right Tools


Another vital factor to know on how to launch a new product on Amazon is to get a hold of tools that elevate your business. Launching your product requires a lot of steps and phases, and each of these steps requires a digital tool to make the process easy. For instance, you can use tools like Google Trends, Google Analytics, and Answer the Public to know what people are asking about.

5. Drive Traffic to Your Page

Getting customers to visit your new product page can be challenging but not impossible. Thankfully, you don’t need to go far before customers start noticing your product page. You can do this through the following ways:


  1. Get Product Reviews: Yes! You can get product reviews without selling a single product. Instead of launching directly on Amazon, you can launch it on your social media pages or personal website, including the Amazon product link. It is assumed that you would have garnered a large audience, and if you don’t, introduce your product to friends and family. Let them test it out and give genuine reviews on it.
  2. Amazon Early Reviewer Program: Amazon understands how difficult it is for startups and small business owners to get product reviews. As such, it offers a review service to assist sellers. The program encourages customers to share their honest reviews even if they have a one-star for a small reward of $1-$3 Gift Card. The service is eligible for those with 5 reviews and below, and it costs $60.
  3. Email Listing
  4. Ask Influencers to use your product and give reviews.
  5. Create a blog post on the product on your website.

how to launch a new product on amazon

6. Get Enough Inventory

Just because you are just launching a new product on Amazon does not mean you should buy limited products. You do not want to be out of stock when your buyers need you the most. First, it makes you look unserious about your product. Also, it makes customers lack interest in your product. Why should they? If you don’t have what they want, it is normal for them to move on to the other sellers.


7. Create a Marketing Strategy

Your target customers will not walk up to your product page and start buying your product right away. You need to create a strategy to bring your products to them. Learn to present your product to highlight its best features and how it can benefit the customers. A well-planned marketing campaign does the following:


  • Allow potential buyers to find your product quickly
  • Reach customers searching for products similar to yours
  • Show up constantly on the feeds of customers’ who have viewed your product before.


You can also launch a new product on Amazon by using Amazon Advertising display ads, sponsored ads, sponsored brands, stores, and sponsored displays.


  1. Sponsored Products: Sponsored products on Amazon are PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns to display your newly launched product to your customers and drive traffic to your new product’s listing page. This way, you will have more page views and product reviews. After launching, you can monitor the progress of your campaign and modify your keywords and budgets as you deem fit.
  2. Sponsored Brands: This form of advertisement is much more specific than sponsored products. It customizes products to feature price, star ratings, prime eligibility, and other vital details customers need. Besides, you can customize your product ad to include headlines, product combinations, links to your store.
  3. Sponsored Display:  Unlike sponsored products and brands, Amazon sponsored display increases your customer base and sales by targeting the ideal audience on and off Amazon. In other words, even when customers are not on Amazon, they can see your product advert, compelling them to engage with it.
  4. Stores: Amazon Stores is an opportunity for you to market your product organically. It enhances your brand’s awareness by educating visitors about the product’s features and benefits. Customers will see a collection of your products in one place and their value propositions.


In summary, if you want to know how to launch a new product on Amazon, ensure you follow the steps below:

  1. Learn how Amazon Algorithm works for your product to rank high.
  2. Boost Your Brand Awareness.
  3. Create a detailed and comprehensive product listing.
  4. Know the right digital tools.
  5. Drive traffic to your page
  6. Get Enough Inventory
  7. Create a Marketing Strategy








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