Amazon Training Courses on E-commerce

The world has witnessed a change like never before due to the pandemic. People have now realized that you do not have to be restricted to a particular location before you earn generously. Thus, in a globally digitally connected world like ours, it is pertinent to stay updated and quickly adapt to the world. Staying updated is especially important for e-commerce owners whose businesses are online. They need adequate knowledge, trends, and the latest news on their business to succeed and survive. And one of the ways to achieve this is through constant online training.

Thankfully, many relevant Amazon training courses are devoted to helping young entrepreneurs, and established business owners scale their businesses and generate more income. These courses teach strategies for a successful online business with practical step-by-step processes to execute them. Without wasting time, let us take a look at the training courses.

amazon training courses

Proven Amazon Course


The program was launched by Jim Cockrum and his team in 2009, making it one of the most popular Amazon courses. This team has a lot of experience as they have been helping entrepreneurs since 2002.


The course promises a comprehensive guideline to achieve a life of financial freedom without experience and capital. Despite its low fee, the training course is of high quality and extremely detailed with practical stress-free ways of generating income from Amazon. There are tons of videos and real-life experiences so you can avoid some mistakes others have made. There are also external references on every aspect of becoming a successful Amazon seller. The proven Amazon course continually update their program with new content now and then; thereby, giving you access to relevant and credible information. What a generous offer! The class is on three aspects: buying, shipping, and listing. These aspects come with bonus materials to kickstart your business and scale it up faster. Below is the content of the course:


  • Many hours of video training content on how to set up your seller account
  • how to purchase or source your first product; and how to import from a place like China
  • Lifetime membership to forums, a group of paid individuals who have answers to just about any questions you have
  • Access to Proven Amazon Course monthly with updated content monthly
  • Access to proven tools and services to help entrepreneurs develop and manage their

Amazon business

  • Access to a new update on the course yearly


A sneak-peek into some of the course titles:

  • Private Labelling
  • Multiple Sourcing Strategies
  • Proven Performance Inventory
  • Proven Audience Formula
  • International FBA
  • Taxes, Accounting and Legal
  • Refund Guidance

Something that stands out in this course is that, unlike other classes, non-US residents can also benefit. They have a Facebook community of new and veteran business owners helping one another. The course costs $29 per month.

Get your proven Amazon course here: Proven Amazon Course

How to sell on Amazon


Every online trading sites have their unique style of making money. That is why Course Envy created the training course to teach you the sacred secrets to sell just about any product and service on Amazon. The class offers a fair balance for price, quality, and content as it covers essential and necessary guidelines on trading on Amazon to avoid surprises. What you will learn in the class is comprehensive, tested, and of high quality. It includes where to start selling on Amazon, how to get products, how to source products, and how to rank them in the first position.


When you register for this course, you can also optimize Amazon listings for increased sales with less advertising cost. Below are some of the goodies packed in the training:


  • 5 hours on-demand video
  • 29 articles on e-commerce
  • Six downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certification of completion

The course is currently discounted at $13.6 and can be accessed here.​


Market Place Super Heroes


This course is one of the oldest online courses on Amazon you can ever get. Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey have done an excellent job to update it to meet up with the current trend of sailing through the digital world. It contains a complete framework to follow in building a successful global Amazon store from scratch or enhance an existing business. The lesson coordinators asserted that they would teach business owners how to create Amazon business from scratch selling low competition, high-profit physical products. They ( the facilitators) are experience Amazon sellers with over ten years of sourcing products on Amazon. Therefore, it is only natural to teach viable methods to excel in the Amazon market and generate more income. The course promises proven and unique techniques for finding products on Amazon. You will be getting the following when you register for the Market Place Heroes course.


  • MPSH Core System Phase:​ contains 97 training videos in all twelve modules.
  • Fuel Your Empire:​ Video training of the teachers going explaining t how to do product research.
  • The journey to making $1000 per day.
  • Importation process in many relevant countries; how you can import your products easily
  • How to create auto selling Amazon listings that convert
  • Critical aspects of product selection and market analysis
  • Real-life experience of success students who built Amazon business from scratch
  • Regular online streaming where the training course coordinators answer questions and motivate e-commerce owners.
  • The coordinators will work with you online to build your Amazon business.

Another benefit of the course is that it is versatile for many countries to benefit. If you need an expert to take you by hand through the process of building a 7-figure from Amazon, then this course is for you. Get instant access to the lesson here: Marketplace SuperHeroes.​

amazon training courses

Amazing Selling Machine


If you are not in a hurry to learn or prefer enormous training courses because you like to take in every knowledge, this course is for you. For six years, the lesson has recorded a proven track record of helping entrepreneurs sell on Amazon and top the sellers’ list. This course offers a lot more than other online e-commerce classes, so it is not surprising that the price is slightly on the high side. The virtual training comes around about a couple of times a year, with each training class lasting a month. I guess Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback do not like shabby work, so they put in their all in those two times. Some of the benefits the e-commerce course promises include procedures to find the right product to sell with no competition, ways to outrank big brands on Amazon, drive traffic to your page, and five steps to start, grow, and scale your brand.


Unlike others, Amazon Selling Machine makes a promise to set up your Amazon store successfully in just six months or less! The content of the course includes:

  • Module 1: Building Your Product Opportunity List
  • Module 2: Suppliers, Samples, and Profit Numbers
  • Module 3: Ordering Inventory and Creating Your Brand
  • Module 4: Building Your Brand Assets
  • Coaching Calls and Bonuses
  • The ASM community

You can check out the course here.​

Online Selling Experiment


This Amazon course is a blogging content turned course. Ryan Grant, the course director, started blogging about Amazon some years back and decided to turn it into a training class. This course is a step in the right direction for newbies in the digital world. Here is a quote from the website:


“If you want your own business and recognize the massive potential that selling on platforms like Amazon and offer right now, this course will help you take advantage of that potential quickly and efficiently.”


This training course has been put together for entrepreneurs based on practical experiences. This way, you minimize your chances of making some mistakes in selling. The Amazon course focuses on how to sell like a pro, even if you are a beginner, with some “Accelerator” to back it up. The Accelerator has to do with some students coming live to give more details about selling online. The course is incredibly detailed, with up-to-date information for e-commerce owners. Although it focuses mainly on US residents, non-residents can also benefit from it. Here are the contents of the course:


  • The Basics:​ Setting your business structure and accounts
  • Flipping:​ Getting started, negotiating, and sales
  • Retail Arbitrage Strategies:​ Selecting stores, products evaluation, and guidelines
  • Amazon:​ Fees, Listings, the Buy-Box
  • Pricing:​ Five different pricing strategies
  • Online Arbitrage Strategies:​ Coupons, discounts, approaches, and tools
  • Outsourcing:​ Meaning and how to do it
  • Wholesale:​ Set up, buying guidelines, evaluation and placing orders


You can check the Online Selling Experiment out here: Online Selling Experiment.


Final Note

In our current digital world, access to the right information will save your time, energy, and money. Instead of adopting the trial and error strategy, enrolling in proven and tested Amazon training courses on e-commerce will help you scale up your business as quickly as possible and make more money. Besides, it will provide you with new perspectives on your business.









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